"This is one of the best stories for preteens I have ever read. Well-written with humor and positive role-models in all cases. I loved this story and recommend it to the anxious sister with the ever trouble brother that she loves as well as continually is annoyed by. Great story."
~ Amazon Reviewer

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Lolo and Winkle Story
"I just finished this one up! So cute, and so much fun!! I loved it and think kids will be thrilled to get this one in their email :D" - Reader
Winkle is not innocent, I tell you! Don’t let that big smile fool you. He will use every opportunity to annoy and embarrass me. And he’s not done yet. Our school interviews students on a show, and they chose us as guests. I was excited at first, but Winkle is not abiding by the rule of what happens in our house, stays in our house. I’m humiliated. Check out the whole series here!

Lolo and Winkle have zombie fever!
A movie ignites a notion in Winkle that the zombie apocalypse is coming. Lolo, again, finds herself caught in the middle of one of Winkle's big ideas as he assembles a diverse group of uncanny friends to prepare for the zombie takeover.
Lolo believes it's all in fun until the school bully says she's seen a zombie and demands membership in the club. They prepare for the apocalypse with drills on the beach, martial arts training, and secret meetings.
There's only one problem: nothing you do can prepare you for coming face to face with a real zombie!
Humorous middle school sibling stories tackling real-life issues. For readers ages 9-13.
"Fun! Likable characters with great adventures. I look forward to seeing more adventures from this combo. I would definitely recommend to any reader in your life." Amazon Reviewer
Two kids. A new cell phone. YouTube. How much trouble could they possibly get into?
Lolo and Winkle are latchkey kids. After school, it is Lolo's job to keep Winkle out of trouble. She's the oldest and their mom is counting on her, because Winkle is a ten year old terror. Winkle refuses to make her job easy and will stop at nothing to get the most likes, views, and shares of his videos on YouTube—until something dreadful happens. Not only does Lolo save him, but she catches it all on camera.
Lolo to the rescue!
The school year has ended, but Lolo isn’t exactly safe from Winkle’s big ideas. She imagines their trip to London filled with nothing but worry-free fun. Wrong! Winkle finds out about a treasure hunt and talks Lolo and their cousin, Muff into taking part, believing he’ll win the ten thousand dollar grand prize. Besides, what could go wrong?
They’re a part of someone else’s game. But whose? Winkle disappears, and Lolo and Muff must decipher clues left by the kidnapper to get him back. But things go from bad to worse. To save Winkle, Lolo must muster the courage to face the thing that paralyzes her with fear: heights!
Seventh grade is nothing by drama!
Lolo and Winkle are middle schoolers now, and Winkle is having a ball. He’s making new friends and just got the leading role in the school play. But things aren’t working out so great for Lolo.
Lolo finds she is no longer the smartest kid in the class, there are bullies in middle school too, and her friends have outgrown her. Seventh grade was supposed to be the best year ever. Besides, she had a plan for fitting in at her new school: Don’t raise your hand all the time in class. Act like you like the things they like, then you won’t seem weird. Bring candy. Everyone likes the person with candy. When her plan doesn't work. Lolo turns to Winkle for help. Lolo soon finds the help she needs involves just being Lolo and not trying so hard to fit in.
This fifth installment of the Lolo and Winkle series is full of humor as it navigates through the joys and worries of attending a new school, changes with friends and family, and the mischief the siblings are known for.
Being Winkle's sister isn't easy, but it's never boring.
“LOLO!” Winkle screams when he’s in trouble or excited, and Lolo has never understood why. But things have changed. Now he screams, “Release the Kraken!” and Lolo doesn’t know whether to laugh or run.
Winkle tries to keep out of trouble as the school year comes to an end, but trouble always has a way of finding him. This time trouble comes in the form of basketball, BB guns, and a bully.
When Winkle runs home screaming, Lolo takes matters into her own hands and must decide if some friendships are worth keeping.
Join Lolo in finding out what it means to "Release the Kraken!"